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Sound Waves Literacy
There are many things that make our Sound Waves Decodable Readers stand out from the crowd, but one of our favourite features is the array of text types within the series.
We’ve collated answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. Does Sound Waves Literacy align with the Science of Reading (SoR) research? Does the program follow a Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) approach? _How are reading and spelling taught alongside…
English Stars
Every teacher has their own tips and tricks to help with classroom management. English Stars gives teachers an extra edge with these digital classroom management tools.
Reasoning tasks are distinctly different from problem-solving tasks because they focus on the how and the why of the solution, rather than the answer itself.
Maths Trek
Firefly Education has just launched its groundbreaking new primary maths resource – Maths Trek.
Special Words are high-frequency words containing unusual phoneme–grapheme relationships (e.g. was, said), or words containing phoneme–grapheme relationships not yet taught in the sequence (e.g. look, for).
Enrichment tasks are activities designed to strengthen students’ educational experience and extend them academically. Using real-world contexts, these tasks are designed to engage students and challenge them to apply their learning in unfamiliar ways.
Every classroom has a wide range of students who experience success at different paces. Some students seem to easily fly ahead while others require additional practice to master skills. This is a challenge when teaching early reading and spelling, and…
Finding a font that had everything for the Sound Waves Decodable Readers was like finding a needle in a haystack. Our authors sifted through nearly 1,400 different fonts before they found the right one for the job.