We’ve given iMaths Online a slick new look and added a bunch of resources to enhance your maths lessons. Joining the old favourites, here are some of the new resources now available at iMaths Online.
These preparation notes outline everything you need to get Investigation-ready, including: what resources to print or organise, which Topics need to be taught, and how students will apply the proficiency strands. There’s also an expected duration and suggested group size for each Investigation.
Every Investigation now has a Teaching Plan that steps out the the teaching sequence and suggests which resources to use and when. Each plan also includes a set of Focus questions, as well as a set of Communicating and reflecting questions that can be used to assess student understanding.
Each Investigation includes slideshows that you can project and discuss with your students. These slideshows include:
As with Investigations, every Topic now has a Teaching Plan that includes a pedagogically sound sequence to teach the Topic. Each plan also includes ideas for fast finishers, relevant problem solving strategies and links for quickly navigating to resources.
The new slideshows makes teaching each Topic a breeze. First, project the Learning Intention slideshow to inform students of what they’ll be able to do by the end of the lesson. Next, use the Teach the Topic slideshow to explain the maths concept to the class. Then, use the Model the Topic slideshow to model the maths concept being applied step by step – revealing answers at a pace that suits your class.
iMaths Online now includes a series of videos, each episode representing one of 10 problem solving strategies. Follow savvy young Belle through each episode as she helps her Poppy solve his zany problems. Check out Episode 2: Make a table or chart to see why your students will love these engaging new videos.
As well as the new Investigation and Topic features, a few other gems have been added to iMaths Online1. We’ve improved the navigation around the site, making both the existing and new resources easy to find, project and print. And due to popular demand, students will also have access to iMaths Online’s interactive tools.
If you’re already using iMaths Online, log in and start exploring.
If you’re not yet using iMaths Online, there’s never been a better time to start – sign up for a free trial or watch the iMaths Online Virtual Tour.
1. The new features are available in Years 1–6. The new look and improved navigation has been applied to F–6.